Halkyn Castle Wood Education & Wellbeing
47 acres of protected woodland, where relaxation, inspiration, and mindfulness converge

Numeracy & Wellbeing in Nature Education Resources
Rhifedd a Lles mewn Adnoddau Addysg Natur
A collection of nature activity invitations to inspire six weeks of outdoor adventure, learning and wellbeing.
Casgliad o wahoddiadau gweithgaredd natur i ysbrydoli chwe wythnos o antur awyr agored, dysgu a lles

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This booklet provides activities for you to carry out with your class, pupil or children in an outdoor space.
They are arranged to build skills and confidence over a six week 1/2 term block. Benefits to childrens wellbeing will be from regular time spent ‘being’ in nature.
We invite you to spend 1/2 hour each day for six weeks getting to know your green space, and your children.
We have included some example activities completed by fictional pupils, Oliver and Sarah to help children practise some skills in the classroom.
These resources are designed to complement the Curriculum for Wales
The four purposes
Cross-curricular skills across the areas of learning and expertise
The Well-being of Future Generations Act
Well-being Goals
The 5 steps to mental wellbeing
Mae’r llyfryn hwn yn cynnig gweithgareddau i chi eu cyflawni gyda’ch dosbarth, eich disgybl neu eich plant yn yr awyr agored.
Maen nhw wedi’u trefnu i ddatblygu sgiliau a hyder dros gyfnod hanner tymor o chwe wythnos. Bydd lles y plant yn cael ei feithrin drwy dreulio amser rheolaidd yn ‘bodoli’ ym myd natur.
Rydym yn eich gwahodd i dreulio hanner awr bob dydd am chwe wythnos yn dod i adnabod eich man gwyrdd, a’ch plant.
Rydym wedi cynnwys rhai gweithgareddau enghreifftiol gyda dau ddisgybl dychmygol, Owain a Sioned, er mwyn helpu’r plant i ymarfer rhai sgiliau yn y dosbarth.
Mae’r adnoddau hyn wedi’u dylunio i gyd-fynd â’r Cwricwlwm i Gymru
Y pedwar diben
Sgiliau trawsgwricwlaidd ar draws y meysydd dysgu ac arbenigedd
Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol
Nodau Lles
Y pum cam at les meddyliol
'This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.’
‘Caiff y prosiect hwn ei ariannugan Lywodraeth y DU drwy Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin y DU.’